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Cari Blog Ini

Author Description

Ea Sports Ufc 4 Fighter Customization And Gameplay Enhancements

EA Sports UFC 4: Fighter Customization and Gameplay Enhancements

Personalized Fighting Experience

EA Sports UFC 4 introduces an unprecedented level of fighter customization, allowing players to mold their fighters into unique personalities.

Gameplay Refinements

The game features refined striking and grappling mechanics, offering more precise and fluid combat. The clinch system has been revamped, providing players with smoother transitions between striking and wrestling.

Stamina Management and Ground Game

Stamina management has been improved, ensuring that fights feel more realistic. The ground game has also been overhauled, offering greater control and strategic options.


EA Sports UFC 4 delivers a comprehensive and immersive MMA experience that empowers players to create their own unique fighters and engage in intense and authentic combat. With its refined gameplay, personalized features, and realistic stamina management system, UFC 4 raises the bar for mixed martial arts video games, leaving players with a lasting impression of the thrilling world of MMA.
